Airbus A350 production update

A350 Production Update: April 2012 (#2)

2012MSN5000Toulouse | Posted by Oliver Gigacz
Yesterday, the forward and centre fuselages for the first A350 (MSN5000) were joined together.

As mentioned in an earlier post, MSN5000 will never fly, but be used to test the structural strength of the A350.
Image Copyright to Airbus S.A.S.

A350 Production Update: April 2012 (#1)

2012HamburgMSN001Toulouse | Posted by Oliver Gigacz
Last month, the rear fuselage for the first flying A350 (MSN001) completed structural assembly in Hamburg.

Final assembly of the first static test A350 is already underway in Toulouse, while the first flying A350 will enter final assembly later in the year.
Image Copyright to Airbus S.A.S

A350 Production Update: January 2012 (#1)

2012Final AssemblyMSN001MSN5000Toulouse | Posted by Oliver Gigacz
Last week, the first A350 static airframe (MSN5000) entered final assembly at Airbus’ Toulouse facility.

MSN5000 will never fly, but will be used to test fuselage strength. The first A350 frame to fly (MSN001) will enter final assembly later in the year.
Image Copyright to Airbus S.A.S.
