New A320 Family seating option delivers “extra wide” passenger comfort

Continuing its philosophy to provide the most comfortable in-flight experience for passengers, Airbus is now offering Extra Wide Seats on its industry-leading A320 Family jetliners – providing adequate space for those who need it, while giving airline operators a new method to generate additional revenue.
The standard A320 Family seat currently measures 18 inches wide, grouped in sets of three. In the new Extra Wide arrangement, the aisle seat is expanded to a total width of 20 inches, compensated by a one-inch reduction in each of the remaining two – which each still measure 17 inches across, equal to that on the A320’s nearest competitor.
Taking advantage of the A320 Family’s wider cabin cross-section, this innovative layout responds to the needs of travelers that are larger physically, and provides added convenience for other passengers – making it easier and more comfortable to work on a laptop or sit together with young children, among other benefits.
The Extra Wide Seats could be a source of ancillary revenue for airlines in the same way additional seat pitch, seat allocation and other upgrades are offered by operators at an additional cost. Unlike extra pitch, however, the Extra Wide Seats can extend passenger comfort without reducing the number of places to revenue seats in the cabin.
